Virtuozzo iconVirtuozzoPaaS

Med vår Virtuozzo PaaS så är det mesta färdigt, bara din applikation som saknas och du är uppe och kör på några minuter, detta är plattform som tjänst.

Support24x7 support included
Interface Web UI API Command Line Client


Three in Sweden (sto1, sto2, sto3) Each region is a separate data center 20km max distance between regions

Power100% green power

Containers running shared compute nodes Compute nodes running with Intel Gold 5120 CPU’s ECC memory 2x25Gb NIC

Instance start timeNormally within 2 minutes
Load balancers

Apache NGINX HAProxy Varnish Your own Docker image

Application servers

Java Glassfish Java Engine Jetty Payara SmartFoxServer Spring Boot Tomcat TomEE+ Wildfly PHP Apache NGINX Ruby Apache NGINX Node.js Forever Npm Pm2 Supervisor Python Apache GO Golang Your own Docker image


SQL MariaDB MySQL CE Percone PostgreSQL NoSQL Couchbase CE MongoDB Redis Your own Docker image


Memcache Your own Docker image


CentOS Debian ubuntu Your own Docker image

Container clusters

Docker Swarm Kubernetes

SSL certificates

Shared ELASTX provided Your own certificate Let's Encrypt

MonitoringYes, monitoring and alerting on system resources (CPU, RAM, Disk, Inodes, Network, OOM)
AutoscalingYes, both vertical and horizontal
Boot disk

Block storage based on SSD storage cluster Enterprise grade SSD Initial size 250GB, can be extended One storage cluster per Region Fully redundant Encryption at Rest


Fully Redundant Anycast Routing 0,5ms latency between Regions Threat protection included

FirewallYes, filtered per node
Two Factor AuthenticationYes
Supported sign-up regions

EU USA Canada Norway Great Britain Other regions upon request


A standard file backup with 2 weeks retention Database backups must be configured by the customer


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