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An analytics suite with a focus on user privacy and data security – the perfect alternative to Google Analytics

Piwik PRO makes powerful, privacy-compliant web and app analytics software and offers high-touch support so customers can get the most out of their data.

Piwik PRO Analytics Suite provides flexible data collection and reports, consent management, tag management, and a customer data platform. Different data locations and hosting options, including European-owned data centers in Sweden provided by Elastx, help you act in line with data privacy regulations, such as GDPR, LGPD or TTDSG, and the CNIL’s guidelines. Analytics professionals from leading organizations, such as the Government of the Netherlands, Crédit Agricole, Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner – SKR, and DKMS optimize customer and user journeys with Piwik PRO.


Collect data across websites, apps, digital products and post-login areas. Customize how data is collected and analyze it with built-in audience, behavior, acquisition and conversion reports. Dive deeper with custom reports and access to raw data.

Tag Manager

Add flexible tags to your analytics stack without hiring an IT team to do it. Quickly create, test and deploy tags from templates or with custom code. Coordinate tag behavior with Analytics, Customer Data Platform and Consent Manager to fit any data collection approach.

Manage consents and data subject requests in the same platform where data is collected and processed. Categorize data from Analytics and Tag Manager so that the data collected always agrees with the consent received.

Customer Data Platform (new version coming soon)

Create complete customer profiles and segment your data into audiences. Activate them to provide a personalized experience and run effective campaigns across channels. Keep your clients’ data safe with a privacy-first Customer Data Platform. Create your free (forever!) Core account now, or get a custom Piwik PRO Enterprise plan demo. Get advanced privacy-friendly analytics either way.

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