To make this possible we use bleeding edge Technology

Imagine being able to see your healthcare records directly on your computer or smart phone and also being able to share this information with your doctor - wouldn’t that be great?

Chorus develops new tools to provide healthcare professionals, patients and families access to healthcare data in an entirely new way not seen before.

Swedish healthcare is facing major challenges. We are getting older and healthcare costs are increasing. The healthcare sector also has a variety of different IT systems and medical record systems with direct access only. This means that the integration costs has soared and less money is left to actually develop new features to take the burden of healthcare professionals and residents. Secure solutions, where data from existing systems are available with the patients permission is therefore increasingly important.

“To make this possible we use bleeding edge Technology. High-Availability and security are also top priority. There can be no down-time. Simple as that!” - Casper Winsnes, CEO Chorus

Chorus and ELASTX

Fredrik Henriques is Head of Technology at Chorus and got a recommendation to try ELASTX Virtuozzo (formerly Jelastic) PaaS in Spring 2013.

Since time-to-market is a very important factor ELASTX Virtuozzo PaaS really caught our attention. The possibility to quickly create and also clone entire IT-environments is great. We work with micro-services and open-source so the tools we use works well with their platform

Fredrik continues. When ELASTX launched their Openstack IaaS in 2014 I was keen to try it out. Reason being that we want to stay up to date with latest technologies and with their Infrastructure-as-a-Service we can spin-up our OS of choice. Currently we are using CoreOS and Rancher. ELASTX is a great fit for us since we are very technical ourselves and when we are in need of assistance it’s highly technical problem solving. ELASTX support is outstanding.

ELASTX is excited to be part of Chorus important mission to ease the pain from health care.

About Chorus

Since Chorus inception in 2007 they have had two commandments. First, to make the complex things easier and more understandable and second to work in areas where they believe that new ideas and ways of working is genuinely useful. Chorus has developed a number of tools to make healthcare more accessible to patients and relatives needs!

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