Refunder keeps growing at Elastx

Refunder is Sweden's largest cashback service. Their members get cashback for online purchases. Refunder evolved from a start-up into a powerful scale-up of their Swedish operations. Their rapid growth requires the right infrastructure and Refunder chose Elastx as their platform.

American giants were never an option. Refunder wanted a dedicated partner with personal contact. Elastx turned out to be the best choice.

On top of the partnership, Refunder likes the quick communication in any situation.

"Elastx is always there and calls when needed, which feels safe. Such service and support cannot be found anywhere else." says Mathias Naverfeldt, CTO at Refunder.

650 000 members

Refunder needs a constantly active web portal and underlying infrastructure. Refunder wants to outsource the monitoring and maintenance of IT-infrastructure. This makes Elastx a key partner.

"We get access to expertise and support, which is very important to us. Elastx meet our needs and are very helpful by brainstorming ideas and discussing new solutions." says Mathias Naverfeldt, CTO at Refunder.

Refunder has 650 000 members and processed 170 million SEK in cashback so far. Their company needs cloud storage, security and support that scales with their business. Using Kubernetes and OpenStack at Elastx, Refunder gets the right IT-infrastructure.

"We need the right infrastructure and good dialog with our partners." says Mathias Naverfeldt, CTO at Refunder. "Elastx offers Swedish speaking support, service and safety unmatched by the big dragons."

Elastx is a cloud platform for business-critical systems. Our stable and technically advanced cloud platform allows to build better and more secure services together.

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IT in Swedish

Closeness and personal contact with Elastx is important to Refunder and supports their journey. Simple and scalable solutions with a Swedish speaking 24/7 support is a winning combination.

"Sometimes when I talk about Elastx, it almost sounds too good to be true. Elastx is incredibly available and follow up when needed. We trust that all IT-infrastructure with cloud storage and services running on Kubernetes and OpenStack will work round the clock. Elastx are proactive and suggest ways to evolve together, which builds a reliable partnership." says Mathias Naverfeldt, CTO at Refunder.

"We are proud to be a partner of Refunder on their journey. We are happy to grow together by providing the right solutions and support." says Joakim Öhman, CEO at Elastx.

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